
Kybella in Atlanta

What is Kybella?

Kybella is the first and only FDA-Approved injectable to improve the appearance of fat beneath the chin by physically destroying fat cells.

Kybella is a new injectable treatment that melts away the excess fat that causes double chins. The substance is a man-made form of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring material that helps the body absorb fat. Double chins can be a pesky problem area, but with Kybella you can destroy the fat cells contributing to this unflattering phenomenon.

If you’ve tried every diet and exercise plan imaginable but still struggle with unwanted neck and chin fat, you aren’t alone. Many people who eat healthy and have no problem toning their arms, legs and abs still find it difficult to eradicate the fat around their submental area. This low hanging, fleshy region is often referred to as a “double chin.”

Kybella Before After

*Individual results may vary

With Kybella, you can eliminate the need for liposuction or other invasive fat-elimination techniques*. Through a series of injections, Kybella mimics the body’s natural fat-absorption process and leaves you with a sleek and slim chin area that’s picture perfect!

Benefits of Kybella®*:

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  • Kybella is FDA-approved
  • No anesthesia or surgery required
  • Fat cells are destroyed for good.
  • Fast and efficient treatments
  • Appear younger and thinner
  • May eliminate the embarrassment caused by a double chin



Kybella Product Image

*Individual results may vary